Sunday 3 April 2011

Just some ranting.

Oh look, a cute turtle.

Hey, so throughout the last few months I've realised that not everything is how it seems. The world just lies to you, to get you to do things. Like at my school for example, [I'm in my last year, and prom is soon], they told me I need to do things to get to go to prom, like all my coursework. However, some of my friends have the same work outstanding as I do, yet there invited? I've been invited and everything now, but I find it unfair. And then there's people who change, so they can get the most out of you. Use you. Like, in England most petrol stations keep putting their prices up. Then the day before the government said they should all go down a penny, they go up a penny. This is so when they go down people would be all like 'woo! I get a good saving'. No. You don't. There using you and persuading you to do things, because they want your money. They want you to give them things. They don't actually care are you, just where you spend your money.
Then there's other things which I'm not even going to get my head wrapped around, as it's just wayy too confusing.
Money; something we all seem to be worried about these days; is annoying me. I find that the more money I have with me, the more I spend. I think I'm getting a good deal at the time, but then when I see a better one for that very same item I just get frustrated. Then when I get home I think 'Oh, did I really spend that much money?!' and I realise I hadn't been counting up as I went along, and now I hardly have any money left out of my bank accounts. The other day I went shopping and spent £130ish! Seriously, how much can one person want?!

Anyway, it's mothers day. Another reason for shops to make money out of you. 'Oh, buy this. Your mum will want it!' No, she won't. I think I know my own mother more than you do. She's not that type of person.
I bought mine a book, which she picked herself, and I'm going to be paying for some glasses for her, which she'll pick herself again. That way, with her picking herself, I can ensure that she gets something that she actually wants.

Do you know what else is bugging me? The amount of mistakes I seem to be making while typing on MSN today!
Just then..
*fail -.-
God. I should learn to look at what I type before sending it. But it takes too much time. Anyway, I'm just glad I "dnt tlk lyk dis" because people who do talk like that annoy the hell out of me. I usually correct people who do it. I love correcting people, it's all I ever seem to do when answering questions on formspring. I'm not exactly a grammar Nazi or anything, but I prefer it when people spell things right.
Oh! Also people who put the word 'lol' in every sentence about 3 times:') for example
"lol wuu2 lol"
Why put two lol's? Why even put one?! is 'Wuu2' really THAT funny?! GOD. Some people really annoy me. Urgh!
If I ever talk to you, and you don't talk properly, I will feel the need to hunt you down and stab you.
Anyway, I'm going for now.
Next time I think I'm going to post some pictures, and give you some good links to good sites, clothing site, and trolls.
Fair well my beloved. xoxo

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